Biodiversity & Climate

Biodiversity decline and global warming are the two largest environmental issues of our time, with a major role for agriculture and food. The Louis Bolk Institute stands for sustainable agriculture: climate-resilient and nature-inclusive. We work together with farmers and other parties to build and help implement the necessary scientific and practical knowledge. We are unique in how we respond to requests and questions from both farmers, businesses, provinces and the national government.


Nature-inclusive agriculture, in both arable and livestock farming, uses natural processes and seeks to blend with the environment. The Louis Bolk Institute focuses on the concept of nature-inclusive agriculture, and our researchers apply this in practice; for instance, in sustainable soil management, functional agro-biodiversity and agroforestry. It is our ambition to collaborate on achieving the necessary transition towards circular agriculture, which is why we are affiliated with the delta plan to restore biodiversity in the Netherlands (Deltaplan Biodiversiteitsherstel), an initiative by the Netherlands Ecological Research Network (NERN).

Climate-resilient agriculture

The Climate Agreement offers tools to make agriculture more sustainable. Smart land use can achieve carbon sequestration in the soil, which also increases the organic matter content and improves both field capacity and soil biodiversity. At Louis Bolk Institute, we study smart climate measures and test their practical feasibility, using networks of farmers. We also conduct exploratory research into agricultural adaptation to a changing climate, such as that related to responsible water use.

More information

If you are looking for a partner in research and the implementation of circular agriculture, or for an organisation that thinks in terms of natural processes, coherence and links with other themes, such as protein transition and healthy nutrition, then please get in touch with Chris Koopmans