Land use intensity differently influences soil communities across a range of arable fields and grasslands Effectiveness of the ‘Weet wat je eet’ nutrition education programme in Dutch secondary schools The feasibility of combining greening schoolyards and nutrition education in primary schools: A qualitative study Pasture-finishing of cattle in Western U.S. rangelands improves markers of animal metabolic health and nutritional compounds in beef A Bayesian inference approach to determine experimental Typha latifolia paludiculture greenhouse gas exchange measured with eddy covariance Exploring agroforestry limiting factors and digitalization perspectives: insights from a European multi‑actor appraisal Lolium perenne populations effects on nitrogen concentration, use and uptake efficiency when grown on peat Inventory of the abundance of earthworm Lumbricus terrestris in grasslands on sandy soil Introducing the anecic earthworm Lumbricus terrestris in grasslands to improve water regulation Can perennial grain crops combine the soil ecosystem services of grassland with starch production on sandy soils? Paginering Pagina 1 Volgende pagina ›› Abonneer op Engels