Lumbricus terrestris abundance in grasslands on sandy soils in relation to soil texture, hydrology and earthworm community The anecic earthworm Lumbricus terrestris can persist after introduction into permanent grassland on sandy soil Wheat and faba bean intercropping and cultivar impacts on morphology, disease, and yield Effect of Lolium perenne population differences on shoot tissue nitrogen concentrations when grown on a peat soil Differences in grassland sward biodiversity and management regime lead to mixed effects on ecosystem services White clover (Trifolium repens) population dynamics are partly dependent on timing of seminal taproot death Nitrogen fertilization and utilization of sorghum as an extra forage crop on dairy farms Leys in sustainable farming systems Can Equisetum palustre L. be combatted using electrical weed control? Finding guidelines for cabbage intercropping systems design as a first step in a meta-analysis relay for vegetables Paginering Vorige pagina ‹‹ Pagina 3 Volgende pagina ›› Abonneer op Engels