Compost and soil ecosystem resilience in organic greenhouses

Willemijn Cuijpers, Leen Janmaat, Jacques G. Fuchs. 2016. Compost and soil ecosystem resilience in organic greenhouses. Handbook for Composting and Compost Use in Organic Horticulture. chapter 1
Pagina's / pages: 15
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Taal/language: Engels
Abstract / summary in English:

The use of compost in organic farming systems matches with the principles of ecology, and the efforts to reduce inputs by reuse and recycling of materials and energy. In order to enhance the level of resilience, including the self-regulating capacity of the farming system, management strategies should foster high levels of biodiversity. The application of compost can support ecosystem resilience by enhancing organic matter storage and transformation, nutrient storage and mineralization, and by improving aggregate stability leading to improved soil structure, water transport, water holding capacity and disease suppressiveness. In order to decide the type and amount of organic amendment, a soil assessment can be helpful to identify the areas in which the soil, soil organisms and crops should be supported most.

Keywords in English: compost, greenhouse, horticulture, soil ecosystem resilience, organic