Effects of beetroot Vinasse on ascospore formation of Venturia pirina in a one-year field trial on an organic conference orchard

Bart Timmermans, Pieter Jans Jansonius, Riekje Bruinenberg. 2010. Effects of beetroot Vinasse on ascospore formation of Venturia pirina in a one-year field trial on an organic conference orchard. Ecofruit. 14th International Conference on Organic Fruit-Growing. , Hohenheim. 22-24 February 2010.
Pagina's / pages: 4

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Taal/language: Engels
Abstract / summary in English:

In a one year experiment under orchard conditions in an organic Conference orchard, a single treatment with 500 l/ha beetroot Vinasse wastested as a means to reduce the formation of ascospores by Venturia pirinaon the leaf litter.
"Vinasse was applied with an orchard sprayer at the beginning of the leaf-fall period, diluted 1:1 with water.
"Directly after the completion of the leaf-fall large amounts of leaves were gathered in the orchard and kept during the winter in wire mesh cages on bare soil. The fine wire mesh did not allow large earthworms to come in and take awaythe leaves.
"In the next spring, after a period of warm, dry weather samples were taken from these cages for the detection of ascospores. This was done using a water bath method, both immediately and after an incubation period in the laboratory.
"Vinasse applied in this way did not result in a reduction of the potential ascospore discharge as was expected based on previous (laboratory) results, but on the contrary to an increase in potential ascospore discharge of 45%. This result differs from results in earlier trials. A satisfying explanation could not be found thus far. For the time being the leaf-fall treatment with Vinasse against scab in practice should be carefully considered.

Keywords in English: beet residue, Pear, Scab, Venturia inaequalis, beetroot vinasses, pear scab, ascospore number, fruit growing