Effects of beetroot-Vinasse on ascospore formation of Venturia pirina in a one-year field trial on an organic conference orchard (presentation)

Bart Timmermans, Pieter Jans Jansonius, Riekje Bruinenberg. 2012. Effects of beetroot-Vinasse on ascospore formation of Venturia pirina in a one-year field trial on an organic conference orchard (presentation). Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen.
Pagina's / pages: 5

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Taal/language: Engels
Abstract / summary in English:

In a one year experiment  in an organic Conference orchard, a single treatment with 500 l/ha beetroot Vinasse was tested as a means to reduce the formation of ascospores by Venturia pirina on the leaf litter.

Keywords in English: pears, conference, vinasse, Venturia pirina
Tweede taal / secondary language Nederlands
Abstract / samenvatting in Nederlands:

In een eenjarig experiment biologische Conference boomgaard werd een behandeling met 500 l / ha bieten melasse getest om de vorming van ascosporen van Venturia pirina in de strooisellaag te verminderen.

Trefwoorden in Nederlands: peren, conference, vinasse, melasse, Ventura pirina