Effects of Ca:Mg ratio and pH on soil properties and grass N yield in drained peat soil

Joachim Deru, Nyncke Hoekstra, Maaike van Agtmaal, J. Bloem, R. de Goede, L. Brussaard, Nick van Eekeren. 2022. Effects of Ca:Mg ratio and pH on soil properties and grass N yield in drained peat soil. In: EGF: Grassland at the heart of circular and sustainable food systems. Caen, France. 131-133.
Pagina's / pages: 3
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Taal/language: Engels
Abstract / summary in English:

In three dairy grasslands on peat, minerals were added to manipulate the soil Ca:Mg ratio with or without effect on pH. The responses of soil properties and grass N yield were measured. CaCO3 application led to higher soil Ca:Mg ratio and pHKCl compared to the untreated control, decreased Ntotal and Ctotal, and increased P availability. Grass N yield increased in the first year by 21 kg N ha-1 whereas soil Ntotal decreased by 380 kg N ha−1 in the same period. MgCO3 reduced the Ca:Mg ratio, had little influence on soil parameters and no effect on grass N yield. In contrast, CaSO4 and MgSO4 did not influence pHKCl but reduced grass N yield in most cases. We conclude that grass N yield was not linked with changes in Ca:Mg ratio but with soil pH. To avoid potentially large soil losses of C and N, the current agricultural advice on pH management in peat grasslands should be better adapted to local edaphic characteristics.

Keywords in English: grassland, lime, gypsum, kieserite, soil pH, Ntotal, Ctotal