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Abstract / samenvatting in Nederlands:
Bloeiend Bedrijf is een samenwerkingsverband van bedrijven in de akkerbouw en veehouderij die aan de slag gaan met akkerranden voor nuttige biodiversiteit. Inhoud:
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- Terugblik veldseizoen 2014
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- Ecologische of economische focus?
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- Verbeteren van biodiversiteit op uw bedrijf
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- Soorten bekijken of herkennen
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- Dynamiek van populaties
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- Gebiedsbenadering
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- Maatschappelijk Verantwoorde Akkerranden
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- Bankierplanten
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- Uitgelicht: Stichting Veldleeuwerik
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- Uitgelicht: Oevers en slootkanten
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Trefwoorden in Nederlands: Akkerranden, functionele agrobiodiversiteit, FAB, akkerbouw, plagen, IPM
Tweede taal / secondary language
Abstract / summary in English:
Flourishing Farm is a collaborative project in which arable and dairy farmers promote functional biodiversity (beneficial insects in particular) through better field margin management.
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- Looking back on the 2014 field season
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- Ecological or economic focus?
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- Differentiating (counting) or identifying species
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- Population dynamics
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- Regional (cross-farm) approach
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- Socially responsible field margin management
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- Banker plants
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- In the spotlight: Skylark Foundation
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- In the spotlight: Banks of ponds and ditches
" - "
Keywords in English: Keywords: Field margins, Functional Agrobiodiversity (FAB), arable farming, insect pests, IPM