Nitrogen balances in Dutch organic greenhouse production

Willemijn Cuijpers, Geert-Jan van der Burgt, W. Voogt. 2008. Nitrogen balances in Dutch organic greenhouse production. Cultivate the future; 16th IFOAM organic world congress. , Modena, Italy. June 16-20, 2008.
Pagina's / pages: 4
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Taal/language: Engels
Abstract / summary in English:

The organic greenhouse production in the Netherlands is limited with regard to the number of growers, but plays an important role in EU organic greenhouse production. In the high-technology greenhouses a high production level is realized but nitrogen balances of this production system have been questioned. In order to document and improve the nitrogen balance, the production of seven greenhouses was monitored and soils were repeatedly analysed. The model “Bemestingsrichtlijn biologische kasteelten” (Fertilization Guide Organic Greenhouse Production) has been developed to simulate nitrogen availability and to fine-tune manure applications to crop demand. In the course of four years the overall nitrogen surpluses decreased sharply, but due to the observational character of the research no statistical analyses can be made. Part of the high surpluses in the first years can be explained by initial investments in soil organic matter. Calculation of the dynamic balance gives more possibilities to fine-tune farmers’ fertilization strategies. Growers that followed the model-based advise for manure application, realized a substantial reduction of nitrogen surpluses.

Keywords in English: greenhouse, modelling, nitrogen balance.